1. februar 2012

Signalliste, januar 2012.

Hermed signallisten pr. ultimo januar 2012.

Go' handel!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Mister, i look up in a trading forum where ur nick name is PegasusDK that u are able to replicate the bloomberg trading. I only speak english and portuguese so is a litle bit dificult to find ur email contact in this blog. I am very interest in understand how could replicate this, I was working with it and couldn~t get the exactly same value. My contact is michel.frankfurt@gmail.com, or michel.frankfurt@rabobank.com .
    tks a lot

  2. Hi Michel, I have created an Excel spreadsheet, that calculates both the Trender and the Fear/Greed Indicator.
    You will find the spreadsheet attached to the thread "Fear/Greed Indicator" on www.bigmiketrading.com and on my own website www.pointfigure.dk (will be updated in a few minutes).
    Peter (aka Pegasus)
